On Saturday morning, we went to our local farmer's market. I have never been to it before. Steve has been several times to get us vegetables and meat. We had the best time! It was so fun to see all the beautiful fruits, vegetables and flowers. There were enough cats and dogs there to keep the girls entertained. We came home and had a fruit and vegetable lunch. Steve fried us some delicious eggplant and squash. Of course, I am sure all the nutrition was gone the second they hit the Fry Daddy.

There was a sweet woman there giving away kittens. I came VERY close to letting Emily have this one. This was her first time to hold a cat!

Saturday night, we over to Kelly and Scott's to help celebrate Scott's Dad's birthday. We had a great time and enjoyed great food!!! Happy Birthday Billy Don!

I have thought so much this weekend about our nation. I am so proud to live in the U.S.A. I am thankful for the men and women who have fought for our freedom.
But, I am sad about how our country is falling away from the Christian principles we were founded on. I made a commitment this weekend to pray for America for the next twenty weeks. My favorite preacher, Dr. Charles Stanley, issued this challenge last week.
We must pray and then back our prayer up with Godly living.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
I have read your blog for a long time and feel like I know you!!
I am so glad to hear your mention Dr. Stanley's challenge to pray for our nation. I work at In Touch Ministries in Atlanta. I will let Dr. Stanley know you are praying!!!
I just love you and your family and hope you have a blessed summer.
We loved having ya'll Sat night.
And I HAVE to go to the farmers market this weekend!
I'm afraid for our nation...joining you in prayer!
If you would like,I can send you the verses Dr. Stanley gave us in chapel. These are the specific ones he asked us to pray over the next 140 days. Please let me know and I can email them!