Her window is TACKY TACKY, but it is dark and THAT was the answer to later sleeping!!!!!!!!!!! She is sleeping later and later each day with this contraption I hung up. Today was the day that I was due with Sarah Kate back in 2008. She came four days late.
Have you tried one of this "old style" shades? That you pull and they roll back up? That is what we use in lindseys room for the exact same reason. Just put it behind the curtain. It pretty much blacks out the room and you don't see it unless you pull the curtain back. Then if you do that you just roll it up. We have a cornice board so that is how we have it up there with a blind and a curtain. Just a thought! It helps at naptime too! Glad she's sleeping later for you!
I am so glad she is sleeping better.. I am thinking I might try that on Reid's window. He wakes between 5 and 6 but of course he goes to bed at 530.. but it sure would be nice if he would at least sleep till 7.
Anonymous said…
yay! so glad it worked! they also sell black out curtains at WM, the inside that faces the window is a darker material than the frontside-but you cant tell. we have the roll down shade too, its behind our blinds and it works great!!
I have room darkening curtains in my boy's rooms. They may be plain looking and ugly, but they keep the room extremely dark and it works wonders! Hope it works out for you!
We just ordered blackout curtains for our kids' room- in this apt, they're all in one room and I just want to know why every single place we move in has bedrooms that face east?!?! Congrats on getting a "new" child!! :)
Linda Dale, I meant to tell you this but had no time to post that day...when we moved here from Singapore, we searched high and lo for blackout curtains (they make them for hotels). You can just put them behind her normal curtains. In Singapore, the sun rises at the same time all year. Here it was rising at 5am!!! I thought we would die til I found those curtains. We have them in all bedrooms...can we say addiction to dark???
We swear by our black out curtains! I got mine from Target for around $15. But because they hange on a rod away from the window (that also has blinds) I sometimes toss a set of brown micro fiber curtains to block more light. I also use rain machines on both of my girls. They sleep until 8ish every morning.....although my 3 year old has started sneaking into my room at sunrise for the last few weeks...I'm trying to figure that one out. :-/
Seeing all the curtains and blankets reminds me of the first time I went over to Zach's apartment in college after we were dating and he had foil on his windows and blankets nailed into the wall to make it dark. I was SO freaked out. Can't believe I continuted dating him after that! ha!
I often look at your blog from reading Kelly's blog for over a year now. Beautiful girls by the way! You have me sold on the makeshift curtains. My 16 month old is waking earlier and earlier and it's becoming exhausting. We are living in a temporary apartment after the Nashville flood. I haven't wanted to hang a curtain rod and have to worry about patching holes and painting when we move out of this apartment but I think it's time to give in and hang a rod. I need to try a darker room and see what happens. I think you wrote this post for me. :)
Woo-Hoo for the 8:15 sleep in party!! That is definitely a reason to celebrate and she should most definitely should be grinning from ear to ear!! Hopefully this trend continues. :)
I absolutely love the photo of Sarah Kate! What a dolly! Also, if you just go to the fabric store and buy black out fabric you can make your own shade, or just tack up the fabric with tacks each night. You could tack them in the same place so you don't ruin the woodwork. Just a thought.
Ever since Steve and I started dating, when we would go to Mississippi, his aunt would make the BEST ROAST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! Steve's Dad's side of the family gets together at his Granny's house for lunch every Sunday after church. The food is always sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always taken a liking to his Aunt Judy's roast. It really is the best roast I have ever had. When we were there on Labor Day weekend, my sister in law asked Aunt Judy for the recipe. Aunt Judy began naming all the ingredients. She said Ranch Dressing mix, and I bugged my eyes out and nearly chocked. I HATE RANCH DRESSING. I don't even like to be in the room with it. I had to focus on the word MIX....not the mayo and butter milk and sour cream that you add to it. Just typing those words makes me shudder. The recipe sounded awful as she rattled off the ingredients, but I promise, you have got to make this if you like a good roast. Trust me on this. Here it is: Get a tender chuck...
Maybe I am wrong, but I don't remember life being so complicated when I was in middle school. Everything is so competitive now. Maybe it was back then and I just didn't realize it. Sarah Kate started playing city league softball a couple of weeks ago. We've been encouraged to get her private batting lessons. When I was in third grade I started playing softball and I just did it for fun! No stress at all, as far as I can remember! I just played. I wasn't very good, but I liked it! Ha! Emily started band this year! Before school started, I got a letter from the school district strongly encouraging "your band student to take instrument lessons." WHAT? I bought into it and got Emily private clarinet lessons (which she really enjoys)! But, what happened to learning as you go? I never thought about taking private trumpet lessons when I started band. It seems like most parents are striving for their child to be THE BEST....
Emily is enjoying her first year in band. I am very impressed with her playing skill! Sarah Kate was recently awarded the empathy award at her school. She is very deserving of this! Here we are before the Cotillion Holly Ball.
Seeing all the curtains and blankets reminds me of the first time I went over to Zach's apartment in college after we were dating and he had foil on his windows and blankets nailed into the wall to make it dark. I was SO freaked out. Can't believe I continuted dating him after that! ha!
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