Saturday night, my friend, June, surprised me with a jar of Albert's Famous Hot Sauce. Albert knows what he is doing! It is the best I have ever had from a store. Although I do love On the Border's salsa that you find in the grocery.
Some random thoughts:
On Saturday afternoon I went to Walmart to get a curtain rod. I encountered two women in the curtain rod row that were talking to themselves........ full voice....... deep thoughts about curtains. I thought the first lady was surely talking to me, but she was not. About two minutes later another woman comes along and has an entire conversation with herself about the rods. I think curtains and rods stress people out. I have been stressed about SK's curtains. They have been quite the fiasco.
Do you ever go to Walmart and you are in the way of one other person the entire time you are there.????????????????????????? Maybe I should say, they are in my way. This happens to me occasionally. I just keep running into the same person who is trying to get to the same item I am. We say excuse me to each other at least ten times.
Sarah Kate's room is pitch black now!!!! I got blackout curtains and put cardboard in her window at night. This did great for over a week , but now she is back to waking up at 5:30.
The pictures are precious!!
I'm out of suggestions....sorry....
I figure if I'm talking to myself the biggest thing to remember is not to answer myself, ha!