Steve is working some LONG, stressful hours at work right now. We have not seen him as much lately as we would like. I have to remember it is only for a season. I am also very thankful that Steve loves his job.
Last week I called the cable company and added some more channels. I got the Hallmark channel and now I can watch Little House on the Prairie again. I am sooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should have added these channels months ago! It is only costing us $4.50 per month. I was thinking it was like $30 or so per month. YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!
Although we don't have cable TV, we've collected Little House on DVD up to some of season 7. When our little twinnies get us up at night, guess what we watch???
Bless you
The family reunion looks like a lot of, but fun. :)
Oh, and so glad you got the Hallmark Channel. I could watch that all day long and I really love their "cheesy" cute movies, as well.
It looks like you all had a ton of fun!!!
What does Steve do for a living? I don't know that you've ever mentioned it.
Your girls are so precious! Glad you can watch your show now. Such a good classic!!
Have a great week.