Every Monday night, SK wakes up around 1:00 am and cries until 4:15 0r later. I feel terrible every Tuesday. Steve feels terrible every Tuesday.
I don't know the answer. But, I think maybe she is just over-tired. She goes to bed at 7:00 every night. She has a short nap on Mondays because I have to pick Emily up at school. I put her down for a nap an hour earlier on Mondays, but she falls asleep at her normal time. When SK wakes up ,it is for at least 2 hours. She cries and babbles and talks the whole time.
Emily has night terrors every once in a while and she NEVER sleeps through the night if she misses her nap.
They are asleep right now. I probably need to be sleeping myself.
Wish I had words of wisdom to share. I'll just pray for your zzz's instead! ;)
Here's my only unsolicited thought/suggestion.....are the girls on a routine? I found when my boys were little that a strict routine worked like a charm--it sounds like you've got a good routine going, so I'm not sure what else it could be....are they overstimulated before they go to bed? (or do they watch TV right before bed?) I've heard that stimulates the brain rather than relaxes the brain. Who knows...for now, I'll just pray for you all......
One of my friends used to tell me that when she would wake up at night she would think of all the other moms out there probably doing the same thing. At least she said it made her not feel alone. :) Here's to peaceful sleep!
when it's only on monday nights i would guess that it's the lack of nap. maybe you could do a car pool, so that she can have a good sleep every other monday?
with the nightmares: as far as i know, they are totallly normal at that age and they will pass. ith's their way wo solve their daily problems and to comprehend good and evil.
i hope you're doing better today:)