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I have gotten several comments on my new blog look. Thank you! I did not do it! Kelly did it! She is my blog manager. All I do is post pictures and write. Kelly does everything else. I apologize if I don't have you on my favorites list, but I don't know how. I could learn it in a minute, but I have never been taught, sooooo Kelly is the behind the scenes girl for my blog. Thank you Kelly! What would I do without you? As my mother says, "The Lord sent you to me."

On a different note........... We tried to go to Shogun tonight with the girls. "Try" is the key word here. Steve had his doubts on what Emily would think of the fire and knives and all that. I kept saying. "oh she will love it!" Ha! We go in and the table beside us had a flame that hit the ceiling and knives clicking and chopping. Emily freaked out and started yelling, " I WANT TO GO HOME!" "LET'S GO!" Of course we had placed our drink order and all that. Then Emily starting yelling that she did not want to see the scary man. That is what she was calling the chef. Everyone in Shogun knew we were there and everyone was glad to see us go. I was mad because I had my mouth set on teriyaki chicken. As we walked back to the car, Emily knew I was mad and the kept saying, "I sorry, I sorry Mama, I was scared.....I sorry. " I did feel pretty sorry for her at that point. We ended up in a kid friendly place with just about as good of food. Emily's behavior was near perfect. I think she was just glad not to be in the "scary place" as she calls it now.


Poor Emily, I can see why the knife men could be scary. I wish she would have made it to the onion choo choo - that might have made it better!
Mary Ella said…
That place can be kind of scary! Hope ya'll are doing great! Hope to see you soon!
Kelly said…
Was it as bad as Halloween at Western Sizzlin??????? ha!
Christy said…
Oh Laurie - what a night! I loved hearing about it though. Isn't it funny how some things you think they are going to love and they don't and some things you know they won't like at all and they love. I guess to keep us hopping. I too love the new look of the blog! Kelly did a great job.
kate said…
that Kelly...she is just good people. the design is so precious.the more I get into blogging, the more I want to get a special design and not "borrow" from the blog people.

I'm coming to AR in March...and I love Shogun...we'll go!

happy saturday! k8
Amanda Ledford said…
Thank you for posting that story, I needed that today. It was funny in a sad way! Poor little Emily! You may NEVER get her in Shogun again!!! My husband isn't big on Shogun so if I was in Ark, I would go with you.
Now, I have to ask, what is Kelly talking about? What could have possibly happened at the Western Sizzin???? Haha!
Sara Campbell said…
Poor little thing! Mary Erin used to be scared of alot of things. Now I think I could fly her to the US alone she has changed so much!
Anonymous said…
Your new look is adorable!
Kelly said…
I was just thinking about how I couldn't even say "teriyaki chicken" to you when you were pregnant. ha ha ha ha!
Anonymous said…
Yay you blog too! This is so fun!
Julie said…
Maybe I had an experience like Emily when I was younger but I have never ate at Shogun! I've always wanted to though!

Her party looks adorable!

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