Ever since Steve and I started dating, when we would go to Mississippi, his aunt would make the BEST ROAST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! Steve's Dad's side of the family gets together at his Granny's house for lunch every Sunday after church. The food is always sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always taken a liking to his Aunt Judy's roast. It really is the best roast I have ever had. When we were there on Labor Day weekend, my sister in law asked Aunt Judy for the recipe. Aunt Judy began naming all the ingredients. She said Ranch Dressing mix, and I bugged my eyes out and nearly chocked. I HATE RANCH DRESSING. I don't even like to be in the room with it. I had to focus on the word MIX....not the mayo and butter milk and sour cream that you add to it. Just typing those words makes me shudder. The recipe sounded awful as she rattled off the ingredients, but I promise, you have got to make this if you like a good roast. Trust me on this. Here it is: Get a tender chuck...
Thanks for sharing.
And Praying in Texas for
Miss Harper.
She is beautiful indeed!! Glory, Praise, and Honor to our God, the Divine Healer!!!
I couldn't agree more with what you said about witnessing a miracle unfold. It's going to be so beautiful. It actually already is...
It looks like Harper has olive skin...so pretty!
love ya!
PRAISE THE LORD for the good news!
What WONDERFUL news you have given us all. Praise God!
My prayers will continue for all of you...
Blessings Laurie,
Thankyou for the updates!
God bless,
Amy and Tony Talbert
I have followed your blog for a long time through Kelly's I just haven't commented very much. I just wanted to tell you that I'm praying for little Harper and Kelly and Scott and am looking forward to the day this little one goes home in their arms.
Believing God,
I've been praying for Kelly and found out about her situation from Angie Smith's blog which I've been following for about a year. I linked to your blog from Kelly's blog and was so surprised to recognize you as the neighbor that just welcomed us with cookies! I have a blog, too; it is a small world!
Michelle Cearley
Lynn from Texas!