When I look around our house at things Kelly gave me or I drink from the monogrammed tumblers she gave me for Christmas, it makes me sad because they are a reminder of what Kelly and Scott are going through. I look back at pictures of them when we went to Chuck E Cheese a couple of weeks ago and I think about how "this was before all this happened with Harper." I think that with every picture I see that was made in the past few weeks and days. THIS is not how I invisioned things. This was NOT our plan. I am sad that she is not home right now holding a healthy newborn. But.....I am learning more and more that I am too earthly minded. Caedmon's Call has a song that I love that says, "This world has nothing for me and this world has everything." So true. We live in a fallen world that is full of pain. Here is the good news: Kelly and Scott and THOUSANDS of other people are seeing GOD'S GLORY. I never really knew what that meant till a Beth Moore Bible study a few years ago. She said that God's glory is how He makes Himself known-how He shows who He is. Jesus has been everything He says He is these past few days.
HE is the Healer
He is the Comforter
He is the Provider
He is the Prince of Peace
He is the Miracle Worker
He is showing Himself in a very real way. And also, Kelly and Scott are the REAL DEAL! They have hope and faith in the Lord Jesus through this terrible time. They are experiencing God on the field trip and not just in the classroom. I am so proud of them and so glad that we have best friends like them.
I pull up Harper's picture and just stare at her and pray and think about how many lives she has touched in a short time and how she is lying their doing God's work.
Harper-I can't wait till we can all eat Barbie Crackers together on the patio.
Hopefully you'll be enjoying Barbie Crackers together very soon.
Praying without ceasing for precious Harper, as well as her family and friends.
Matthew 21:22
I did read an article about the women that have to mourn the "typical birth" they imagined. They have walked such a path - so many only want to read about but never experience.
You are such a dear friend...blessed Kelly!
Thanks for the updates, Laurie!
Claire in California
Missing you too!!
I think the same things when I have looked back over her pictures. However, I know that one day soon, you will be sitting around eating poptarts together and Emily will tell SK and Harper that is you and Kelly on them!!!
I don't personally know you but want you to know that you are a great testament to God too. Kelly is blessed that God placed you in her life and that you are there for her in your prayers and with your presence. In praying, we will also remember to ask God to help you not be so sad. In His Love, NMG
This made me cry really hard. I have so many dreams for us and our baby girls. Don't worry - we are still taking them to the pool this summer and on walks and they will play together soon!
I've never been more thankful for your friendship!
We have been praying for Kelly so hard! Her Harper looks like such a sweet baby. I know she can hardly wait to pick her up and hold her. God will see them through this. She is very lucky to have a sweet friend like you.
Lots of love and hugs to you,
What a blessing you are to Kelly -- I have a best friend I have had for 22 yrs. It's wonderful!!
I was writing to say how wonderful it is that Kelly has you to support her during this time. She has inspired me more than she will ever know and I would love to meet all of you someday. I have a 20 month old daughter Emerson Jane and this is caused me to hold her a little tighter and thank god each day for her good health.
Also, you and I share the same birthday!! I was an April Fool's baby back in 1980!! I ran across a Happy Birthday to you on Kelly's Blog.
God has taught ME so much this week through Harper and her precious family.