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Baby Harper

Steve and I traveled to Tulsa today to see our precious friends and gorgeous Harper. We had been there about ten minutes when K and S came out of the NICU with tears of JOY! They reported that Harper was greatly improving. He vitals are VERY VERY good! Another blessing to hear this great news first hand. We are convinced it is the prayers of all these wonderful people. Thank you to the many many people who are praying and being the hands and feet of Christ to our friends. WOW! We are witness to a miracle in many ways! Yes, Harper is still critical ,but we have faith that the Lord is going to continue to heal her.
K and S let us go back and see Harper. OHHHHH she is so pretty. I can't wait to hold that darling little miracle.


Hillary said…
What a beauty! I'm so glad you got to see her!
Amanda Ledford said…
How precious is that baby?! PTL for such good reports! Thank you so much for the update. I'm glad you got to be with them today.
Kandi West said…
Thanks so much for posting, Laurie. I'm so glad you got to see her and see Kelly and Scott, too.
Joni said…
Wonderful News!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
And Praying in Texas for
Miss Harper.
Melissa said…
Thanks for the update. She really is a beautiful baby. I'm sure Kelly and Scott appreciate good friends at this time.
Julie said…
Thank you Thank you for this update. We got in very late from church this evening and I came right to the computer to check the status.

She is beautiful indeed!! Glory, Praise, and Honor to our God, the Divine Healer!!!
Jessica said…
So happy for the update! Harper is indeed beautiful. We are so glad she is improving. I know the Stamps/Martins were just thrilled to see you today. : )
Jennifer said…
Thank you for the update Laurie! Harper is just beautiful!! What a true blessing for Scott & Kelly to have you there.
Laurie...I'm so glad you're updating us for Kelly. And what good news! I'm so glad Kelly has you to lean on...

I couldn't agree more with what you said about witnessing a miracle unfold. It's going to be so beautiful. It actually already is...
Kim said…
She is beautiful! I'm so happy to hear she is improving! God is up to someone wonderful!
It looks like Harper has olive pretty!
love ya!
Natalie said…
Thank you for the update! We have some mighty prayer warriors praying for that sweet family here in Tampa ~ what a special friend you are to go be with her!

PRAISE THE LORD for the good news!
Jacquie said…
Laurie, that picture is SOOOO beautiful. I love that you can see her face so well. We are here in Flippin praying and praying... I'm so glad you can be there for K & S.
ooooohhhhh! she is so cute. i am so glad you got to go see her.
Amy said…
Laurie, thank you so much for updating everyone. What a wonderful friend you are to Kelly, though that was evident long before today.

What WONDERFUL news you have given us all. Praise God!

My prayers will continue for all of you...
Fran said…
She is just beautiful. I know how good it felt to hug on and love your best friends and see that baby for yourself. Praying for you tonight as you be the friend that you need to be right now.

Blessings Laurie,
Michelle said…
Thank you for updating us! What GREAT news! Still praying!
She IS so beautiful! Glad y'all got to go for a visit! Praying! Love, Jenny Beth
Momofgirls said…
Thankyou for being the sweet friends that they need right now and the days ahead! We went through something similar and our friends loved us through it!!

Thankyou for the updates!
Leigh Ann said…
Laurie, I am so glad you got to be with Kelly! Harper is just gorgeous! Of course I knew she would be. I am believing God is going to heal her completely and I am praying, praying, praying. Thank you so much for updating us!
Lauren said…
So glad you got to visit with them Laurie! Harper is precious!!! I know your friendship and love means alot to Kelly during this time!!! :)
What a precious little girl. I just wanted to let you know that Tony and I are praying constantly for Harper, Kelly and Scott. We are praying for you also, as I know that Kelly is like your sister, and you are both so close. May God grant you the strength to continue to be such a wonderful support to this precious family during this trial they are experiencing. So thankful Harper's vital signs are better now. Take care, and your two little girls are absolutely precious. I know your parents just love being grandparents to two now!!
God bless,
Amy and Tony Talbert
petrii said…
I have followed your blog for a long time through Kelly's I just haven't commented very much. I just wanted to tell you that I'm praying for little Harper and Kelly and Scott and am looking forward to the day this little one goes home in their arms.

Believing God,
Hi Laurie
I've been praying for Kelly and found out about her situation from Angie Smith's blog which I've been following for about a year. I linked to your blog from Kelly's blog and was so surprised to recognize you as the neighbor that just welcomed us with cookies! I have a blog, too; it is a small world!
Michelle Cearley
Lynn said…
Harper is more precious than words. I recently (last weekend) started reading Kelly's blog and have thoroughly enjoyed getting to "know" her and her family & friends. It's so refreshing reading her blogs and seeing the friendships they have with so many. You and your husband/children are such a blessing to Kelly & Scott! God bless you and your family! Prayers are being answered-what an awesome God!!

Lynn from Texas!

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