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Disney World Part 3

I really enjoyed riding on the monorail.
Everyone keeps asking the girls if they met Mickey Mouse.  They sure did, and so did the grandparents!

They are about to go in the Cnderella dinner.
Prince Charming
Sarah Kate was so excited that she met Cinderella!!!!

So happy!!!!!

Prince Charming asked Emily to dance!  It made her day!!!!
So proud after her dance.

To be honest, I was not too excited about going to WDW.  I am not a princess/cartoon kind of person.  I was never into anything Disney when I was a child.  I just liked playing baby dolls and I have always liked real life t.v. shows and movies.  I have never ever been able to pay attention to cartoons.  I guess I am just WEIRD. girls love all things Disney and I loved seeing everything through their eyes.  WDW is a well oiled machine.  It was just soo so nice and clean and a whole lot of fun!!!!!  I loved everything about it.  I would go back today if I could.  What could be better?  I was with my family that I love.  I got to sit on slow moving fun little rides with the girls.  I saw the best 3D EVER!!!!  I experienced technology at it's best.  I did not have to cook or clean or do laudry for a week.


Natasha said…
My in-laws took us all to Disney when they celebrated their 30th anniversary. I was not too sure about it but we did a Princess lunch at the Epcot Centre and honestly, I was just as excited to meet Cinderella as my 7 year old niece was!
Heather said…
My son and daughter-in-law just left for Disney this morning. They are celebrating her parents' 25th anniversary, her grandparents' 50th anniversary, my DIL's graduation from college and my son's big job promotion. Not a kid in the bunch but a bunch of big kids. Glad you guys had fun!
Sasha said…
So glad you had a good trip! We went last October and had a great time. Neither of my kids (especially the boy!) are that into princesses, so we don't do any character meet and greets, but they still had a great time. I'd love to go back too!
Casey said…
I was the same way. When we first took our daughter a couple years ago I DREADED it!! Then we got there and I fell in love. We have now been back 4 times in 3 years! My kids love it, we love it, it's clean, and it just works :) Glad y'all had a blast!
Tara G. said…
You are a riot! We need to have lunch when you drive down this direction!
The Yarbrough's said…
It looks like ya'll had a lot of fun. How awesome your girls got to get dressed up and have dinner with Cinderella and meet Prince Charming. I haven't been to Disney World since I was 5 and I know it's changed sooo much since then. I can't wait to take our kids. I know they'll a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y love it!!
Deena said…
I have really enjoyed reading about your trip! We love WDW! Soarin is my favorite ride too. The Cinderella dinner is so fun. I love SK's expression when she is hugging Cinderella. I'm so glad you got to go!
Brian and Sarah said…
We were in Disneyland last week! My dad wanted so bad to take our girls (4 and 11 months). I had the hardest time getting excited about it because I'm just not a "theme park" sort of person, and like you said - was never into cartoons! Once we got there though, I did have the best time. How could I not? Our 4 year old was just enamored by all the characters! The only ride she cared anything about was the carousal (that you can ride for $1 at the mall!) - ha! But she adored meeting all the characters, and after leaving Rapunzel, realized she "forgot" to tell her something, and Rapunzel was kind enough to come outside of her cottage so our sweet girl could tell her she is her favorite princess and give her "one more" hug!
Enjoyed your reading dear.:)
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Kasey said…
We LOVE Disney World, and I have really enjoyed reading about your trip!!
Unknown said…
I'm the same way Laurie... Enjoyed Disney movies, but was never "crazy" into it. We have been 3 times with our kids and my husband and I both say we could go without them. Ha!!

So glad you had fun! I enjoy reading your posts!!
Nancy said…
Love the positivity at the end of this post! Isn't Disney such a clean place?! I was so surprised! Your girls could be models they are so delightful! Have a wonderful weekend! I love how you always look on the bright side, Laurie!
Sara said…
Enjoyed looking at your pictures! Looks like you all had the best time! WDW is my favorite place to go on vacation!! Trying out Disneyland soon!!! :)

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