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Pray for Laurie's Dad


This is Kelly and Laurie asked me to update her blog.

Her dad had a heart attack Saturday night and this is what she wanted to share:

He had a heart attack saturday night around 10. He just thought it was heart burn. Mama insisted he go to hospital. The doctor on call was great! Told him he was having heart attack. They gave him a clot busted and morphine. They got him stabalized enough to air lift him to Little Rock. The helicopter could not take off due to stormy weather. He went by ambulence. My mom called me at 11:50. Steve was out of town. The Lord worked it out because I had good friends from Little Rock staying with me. He has a broken ankle on top of everything else. He broke his ankle on tuesday morning on a walk with my mom. He would not go to the dr. He did not realize it was broken until Sunday morning. He will probably have bypass surgery on wednesday morning. He needs several bypasses and has a 95% blockage. The doctors are waiting on his blood to be free of the clot busted. They also want his heart to heal. A big concern is for his ankle to get fixed. We are waiting on a Orth surgeon to see it. He has to be able to move around after his surgery and right now he can't put pressure on it.

Laurie is in Little Rock with her parents. Please pray for she and her mother and for her dad especially.

She also said thank you for being so kind and helpful and for praying!


Melissa said…
praying...and thinking of you. wish i could hug your neck!
Kimberley said…
bless laurie's dad dear lord jesus, and heal his heart completely!! and ankle. comfort laurie and her mother during this time.
Ryan V. said…
Definitely praying for you and your mom and dad!
Anita said…
Consider it done.
Nancy said…
Karen said…
Praying for you all, Laurie and family...
My Wish said…
sending prayers your way
-Marci from Chicago
The Garners said…
Thinking of your family! Please let me know if I can help in any way while you are in town!
Green Girl said…
I have been praying since Kelly tweeted!
Debbie said…
Laurie, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. My dad had a very similar episode himself. That was 14 years ago. He underwent quadruple bypass. It was a slow recovery, but very successful. My dad is now 83, and it never really slowed him down. Good luck to you all.
Christi said…
Praying for you and your family.
Kathleen said…
Praying for you Laurie and for your family. It is so hard to help your parents when they are sick when you still have little ones at home. Prayers for your girls that they are not frightened.
AKK said…

Hugs and prayers to you and your family!
The Petty's said…
Praying for the family.
Sara said…
Praying for you and your family!
Diane said…
Praying, Laurie!
Ashley E. said…
Jill said…
Laurie, I just wanted you to know that I'm praying for your Dad. Praying surgery goes well and for complete healing. If you need anything - just let me know...I'm in LR.

Anonymous said…
I will be praying!
Stacey said…
Praying for your dad and your family.
Odie Boggs said…
Praying in Ohio.

waikikimum said…
Sending prayers for your family Laurie.Kathy Perth Australia x
Tiffanie said…
Sending prayers to you and your family Laurie. I hope and pray his surgery goes amazingly!
Chocolate Cat said…
My thoughts and prayers go out to you Laurie , your Dad, Mum and the rest of your family. I hope your Dad's surgery is successful.
Wish we could all be closer and more helpful! Praying, from Cookeville, TN.

Johanne said…
Thinking & Praying for your family. I hope that everything goes well. Big hugs also being sent your way.
Love Johanne (Canada)
I've been praying for y'all, Laurie, and will continue!
Kelly said…
Sure will, Laurie. Keep us updated.
DianeTaylor said…
Laurie - I am definitely praying for your Dad. It sounds like he is in excellent hands. Stay stong - remember God is in control :) He loves all of you!
KatieB. said…
Sending lots of prayers your way for your dad and family! xoxo
Ashley said…
Praying for healing!!!
Angie said…
saying a prayer right now laurie!
Laurie in SC said…
Laurie, heard about your daddy. I am so so sorry for all your family and esp your dad is going through right now. I have been there, friend. I have been with my dad through 2 heart bypass operations (17 ys apart), the first a quadruple, the second a triple. So I know how hard it is. BTW, he is still ticking along! It's been 5 ys, almost 6 since his 2nd bypass. Please know you and your family are HEAVY on my heart and also in my thoughts and prayers during this time. Lean on God - He will carry you, as you know. Your precious daddy is well on his way to being HEALTHIER - praise God for that! You will get through the next few days, just hold on. You can do it! Praying for you in SC!!!!
Much love,

(Just repeating my comment from earlier post in case you didn't se it there :) ) - continuing to pray!!!
Robin said…
Just this moment said a prayer for your family and I will add all of you to my prayer list.
Faith said…
Praying, praying, praying for your family, Laurie!
Jamie said…
Leslie said…
Laurie, I am praying for your sweet Dad and Mom. I had a close friend whose father just had the same surgery and afterwards is a new person and feels better than he's felt in along time. I pray the same wonderful result for your Dad. Love to y'all and praying for your family.
Jennifer said…
Praying for Laurie and the whole family daddys are so special to us girls!!!!
pamk said…
Praying for your dad and your whole sweet family, Laurie!
GiGi said…
Lord just place your healing hands on the surgeons who help Laurie's Dad. Guide them to help heal him along with your mercy. I pray for her Mom and for all the children and the entire family. Lord give them a peace and comfort knowing you will not leave them through whatever is needed to endure this time. Lord just be with Laurie's dad and heal his heart and ankle. We pray in your most precious name and ask for you to forgive us daily and be with us each step of or way. In Christ holy name, AMEN
autumn23 said…
Praying for your dad and your whole family!!
Tiff said…
Sending prayers!
Kristie said…
I'm praying. My dad had bypass surgery a few weeks before our wedding so I understand the scariness of it all.
Jenna said…
Laurie, I have had ya'll on my mind so much! Praying for your dad and for all of you as you go through this with him. WE LOVE YOU!!!!!
Alisha Harris said…
Praying for you and your family Laurie!! God is in control!

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