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She's Feelin' Fine!

Sarah Kate has done GREAT since getting tubes in her ears. I wish we had done this 3 months ago. She is feeling so good she offered to mop the floor today. Did a pretty good job too!

SK has been a dancing machine since we got home from the surgery center. It is just hilarious! She actually does a jig. I really think that she has not "really" heard music for the past few months. She is nearly getting whip lash in the car seat she is dancing so much to the radio.

AND.......she slept all night last night! Thank you Jesus!


Hey Laurie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I've been reading your's for awhile and of course came over from Kelly's. I wish Bailey had a little sister and could be a big sister, maybe in time. I know there is a never a dull moment with two princesses at your house. And I'm so glad to see SK feeling good! I'm hoping for some good sleep when we are done! Bless her bones sweeping liking that! That is too sweet! By the way, if you ever want to sell some of their cute clothes, you know where to find me! haha!
Jamie said…
I am so glad that she is doing better. My nephew had bad ear infections and I felt so sorry for him and my sister!

Hopefully you can all get some rest now!
Andrea said…
Yay for Sarah Kate sleeping through the night!!!!
Karen said…
WOW! That is great news!! I came to your blog via Kelly via Angie the blog world! Best wishes for continued healing and dancing to the music!
Did you cry when you realized your poor youngin' couldn't hear things? I DID!! Let me just go ahead and admit right here, right now that I boo-hooed (is that a word?) like a baby when I realized he could HEAR!!!! The way the Dr. described it to me is that he could hear, but it sounded like everything was under water.....We are so blessed to be able to do something about it! Don't you think?!?!?!?! SO GLAD she's feeling better and doing GREAT!!!!
I'm so glad she's doing so well! She told Wells & I bye last night as we were leaving - I think she wanted to come with us. We need to get them together to play, it would probably be hilarious.
That is SO great! I am so happy she is sleeping better and dancing her heart out.
Lauren said…
She looks like she’s doing GREAT. So glad. Thanks for the prayers, Laurie!! :)
Jennifer said…
I'm so glad she is sleeping so well!
SK and Brody would get a long great! He loves to try and sweep and mop the floors, even though they are bigger than him!
Jenna said…
I'm so glad she's doing well! I am so sorry we missed playgroup today - B is a little under the weather and though I don't think it's serious or contagious, I didn't want to bring him around the other babies. =(
Amanda Ledford said…
Yay! I'm so glad she is feeling better!
Anonymous said…
Thanks Laurie! I'm so glad Sarah Kate is doing better!!

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