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Special Church

I just wanted to put into words why I love our church so much. In my life, I have been a member of three churches. I have loved them all for different reasons. I have attended other churches, but did not join them in membership.
I don't think Steve and I could find a church anywhere that is as special as our church. It is filled with people that have an authentic, strong love for Jesus. It is filled with people that serve without complaining. The people are loving and kind and growing in their faith. I can't speak for everyone in the church, but the people I know are the same Sunday morning as they are during the week and on Friday night. They are sharing their faith and people are getting saved. We baptize people most every week. It is very rare not to have a baptism. It is very rare not to have people walk the aisle at the invitation. I love the fact that our church has a clothing give-away in August and a toy give-away at Christmas. Our pastor and staff never twist arms or beg people to give or serve. If someone needs a fridge, they have it before the end of the day. If someone needs money, they have it before the end of the day. If someone needs a bed or furniture, it is taken care of by the end of the day. I have witnessed these things happen. I am so thankful that our pastor preaches salvation and emphasizes the importance of reading your Bible everyday. I love the fact that he is not trying to win a popularity contest.
I love that our church brings in great events, evangelists and concerts. This past week we had Selah and Avalon. It was just wonderful!!!!!!!!!!! I got to meet Angie Smith and she is sweeter and prettier in person than on her blog. What a wonderful woman of God!
The supporting staff do such a great job with their ministries. We are so grateful!
I love going to church! I could go on and on and on....but I am just thankful to be a part of this special church.


Lauren said…
Seriously, you need to be the promo girl for your church, because reading all that makes me wish I was a part of your church, haha!!!!! So great that you love it so much!!!! :)
His Doorkeeper said…
And why is your church so special? Because it is made up of people like you and Steve who love the Lord and want to serve Him, not yourselves! That is getting to be more rare these days! Many church members are more concerned about themselves being served than how they can serve. Makes all the difference in the world!

You are blessed and so is your church family!
Kelly said…
I can not say AMEN enough about this post! I think I could search around for the rest of my life and very rarely find a church like ours.
I want to break out into a chorus of "I'm so glad I'm apart of the family of God.................." ha ha ha ha!
Kimberley said…
Hi there. I'm a lurker here in Bentonville. Would love to know where you go to church. I am looking for a home church for me and my family.

Kimberley :)
Amen! We miss you! Neely and I are back in town and will see you tomorrow! I am starting back to bible study next week!
Kelley said…
It sounds like you have a wonderful church. I know it must be great because you go there. Just from reading your blog, I can tell that you love the Lord and are a wonderful person.
Yoli said…
I love the girls dresses! They are darling girls with a darling mom. Your church sounds a lot like our church and I love that God lead us there. Thank you Lord for wonderful places to fellowship, learn more about you and bring others to meet you! God is so good!
Tara G. said…
Um, cute dresses!!!

And what a gift God gives us in other believers!! Sweet post!
Erin said…
AMEN! Our church is so wonderful. I wish everyone could experience what we are blessed to have!

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