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Pumpkin Patch

Emily with her friend Brigham.
I love buying pumpkins and gourds for our mantel.
I also bought this chest at the pumpkin patch. They have a country store at the farm. I loved the design and size of this. I am going to paint it and put new knobs on it. I love projects like this. I may do it something whimsical and put it in Sarah Kate's room.
A friend at church did these shirts for my girls. Although, it was NOT smart to wear white shirts to a pumpkin patch. They are soaking in Shout as I write this. They may never look the same. Emily managed to get into oil on the tractor.
Sarah Kate wanted to pick up all the pumpkins. She tried so hard to pick up some of the huge ones.

Natalyn and Neely. I love Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kelly said…
SO cute!!!! So SAD I missed today!!!
Jennifer said…
That is precious!
So cute! Love the shirts - thanks for the heads up on the white :-)
Tara G. said…
FUN!! I love taking the kids to the pumpkin patch! We're going to go in a couple of weeks in preparation for our annual "Pumpkin Day!" Love the shirts! Sometimes hand sanitizer takes out stains.
Jenna said…
So precious and fun! Love the shirts!! Oil and all they could not be cuter!
Melinda said…
There is this stuff you can buy at the auto store called Brakeleen, it is in an aerosol can. Use it to the remove the oil. Put your hand under the spots, spray it on the spot, rub with your finger, may take a few sprays, don't let it dry. You can then respray with the Shout then wash immediatley. It is crazy how it works. My girls got grease on them walking thru my parents garage and my Dad took the clothes and used the Brakeleen on them, came clean!!! It is awesome on pretty much anything. I keep beside the shout!!!
Kristen said…
I was going to ask about those shirts - they are darling! Now I'm going to spend all day tomorrow figuring out how to make one for Lauren!
SILLy stories!! said…
I love the pictures you took! Mine weren't very good. I'm glad you, Emily and SK could come!!!
Tracy said…
Thanks for sharing the pictures Laurie. Looks like everyone had a great time. Sarah Grace had a blast!
Oh, I love the pics of the cute! Looks like you guys had fun!
Oh that looks like fun. We are going tomorrow!
Soak in the Oxyclean powder if Shout fails. It gets out everything. I have two boys, so I am soaking clothes daily!
Taylor said…
Is that a public farm/patch to take kids? I live in Fayetteville and am really wanting to take my 2 year old to a pumpkin patch but I don't really know where any good ones are?!!

Your girls are just too cute!!!
Lauren said…
Soooo precious!!!!! :)
Hi Laurie, I'm Stacey and found you through Kellyskorner..I love your pictures! We are heading to the pumpkin patch in our neck of the woods with our MOPS group on the 19th! I can't wait..anyways I have 2 kids A little girl who is 4 almost 5, a little boy who turned 2 on the 4th of July and a little girl due in Dec....Anyways sorry i'm going on and on, but i just LOVE the Oxy Power spray ....It gets EVERYTHING OUT!! and my mother in law swears by Lestoil, Its such an old product and smells terrible but it gets out everything Oxy clean spray doesn't! Which isn't very much! I get the Oxy-power spray at walamrt, and now it comes in a huge refill container too, its blue with a yellow spray cap!! LOve it!! HOpe you have a blessed day and you get those stains out!! Hope that helps a little!!
Kelley said…
What fun! It looks like a great pumpkin patch. Your girls are so pretty. I am planning to take Mary-Kate to a pumpkin patch next weekend. I hope we have as much fun as you did.
Peggi said…
Put Dawn dishwashing liquid on the oil stain, let the shirt sit and wash. Should get it out. I use it for all grease based stains, even ones that have already been through the wash.

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