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Dot .Mom

Last Febuary, I went with some of my best friends to the conference in Frisco,Tx.  It was one of the very best events I have EVER been to.  I would go again in a heartbeat.  I ordered the flashdrive from the conference and I have been listening to it while the girls are at school.

I just want to share some of the things that stuck with me and I hope they will be as helpful to you as they have been to me:

Don't ask your daughter if she is dating a Christian, ask her if she is dating a Godly man.

Most of the time, it is not good to rescue your child.  When they go through very difficult situations, it makes them cling to Jesus.

Train their heart, not their behavior.

Facebook and cell phones can cause a whole lot of trouble for kids and their parents, but technology is not really the problem.  It is a heart issue.

Moving slow is not a character flaw.

For the the single girl:  The only thing worse than waiting is wishing you had of.

Help your child find an activity that they really enjoy.  When they have a bad day at school, they can think,"well, at least I have art lessons today." or gymnastics or whatever.

Show your children Jesus in everything you do.

Don't be a whimpy parent!!!!!

Kids WANT boundaries.

Those are just a few of the thought I loved!!!!


Natasha said…
Thank you for sharing these Laurie. I really love some of them too.
Miranda said…
Thank you so much for posting these! I love the one about training their heart, not their behavior - that struck a cord with me :)
jen said…
Love them all! Great reminders!
Maryellen said…
Those are great Laurie. I especially like this one:
For the single girl: The only thing worse than waiting is wishing you had of.

I was that single girl until I was 47.
When I would get sad and lonely about being single my dear Christian friend who was sadly divorced 3 times before she found the Lord use to tell me:

there is no lonelier place than sleeping next to the wrong man.

That use to really help me press on and wait on the Lord.

Thanks for sharing . . .

P.S. don't regret the waiting - I have a Godly man 6 years married : )
Kim said…
Train their heart, not their behavior.
Love this!!!
Sara Campbell said…
All good LInda Dale!
Betsy Maddox said…
I love all those! :)
whimzie said…
Those remind me of one my friend Kasey told me that keeps coming back to my mind: "Prepare your child for the path, not the path for your child."
Sara F. said…
Oh how I wish I had waited! God's timing is perfect--wish I had remembered that when I was in such a hurry to be married! Be patient, single girls! :-)
Sara F. said…
Oh how I wish I had waited! God's timing is perfect--wish I had remembered that when I was in such a hurry to be married! Be patient, single girls! :-)

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