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Wrestling Hissing Felines

Remember the title I posted a few weeks ago about the Cat that God Sent?  Well, I need to change that title.

The girls have become TERRIFIED of Graycee!  Emily more so that Sarah Kate.  They are too scared to play in the back yard.  Graycee is not mean but playful.  The girls think she is going to eat them!  In fact, I told emily that I thought a neighbor might call the police because of her screaming.

Graycee did great being outside at first but now her only goal in life is to get in our house.  She has gotten in a few times and runs right to Kristen had grabs her.  I have heard some terrible cat sounds that have kept my girls locked in their rooms, horrified. 

Yesterday I had her spayed.  When I picked her up, I was greeted with some bits of news the vet had not told me.........
1.  Graycee must be indoors for 10-14 days.
2.  She must not run,jump or be around stairs.
3.  She must wear an e-collar or a cone around her neck for 10-14 days.

I just WILTED.  Wilted.
I almost paid them to just keep her.  I almost offered.

We get home:
1.  She was put in the upstairs bathroom.  Kristen has been a nervous wreck.
2.  Graycee ran out of the bathroom as soon as I left her and ran as fast as she could down our 16 or so steps.  She jumped in a chair and then on the dining table .  She ran after Kristen as fast as she could.  Kristen was throwing a literal hissy fit.
3.  The E-collar last about ONE hour, thank you!  She had it off before I could get her settled in her room.

I have CAT STRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I wrestle cats all day long!


Julie said…
Bless your heart!! I'm stressed out for you. :(
Mary said…
I literally can't stop laughing. You are hysterical! I cannot imagine what you're going thru. Too Funny!
Megan said…
Laurie I feel for you on this one! I have an older cat who sounds a lot like Kristen. She is very set in her ways and rules the household! I got a kitten 2 years ago, much to her horror..HA! It was a tough adjustment for them because the kitten wanted to PLAY and my old, territorial kitty was NOT having it. It was stressful because she would hiss at her and hated her. Two years later, they are still not best friends. But, they are companions. The younger cat still tries to play with the older cat and she STILL hisses at her. But she is used to her and I don't worry about them hurting each other like I used to. The younger cat has developed a wonderful personality and could care less about her mean, older sister..haha! Your girls are probably nervous because little kittens like to bat at things with their sharp kitten claws. Do you have Kristen de-clawed? If you do, I would definitely reccomend getting the little one de-clawed. If not, don't worry, they will get used to each other and possibly like each other one day. Although, I won't promise. Good luck!
Lauren said…
Laurie, is it bad that I laughed throughout this entire thing????? LOL!!!
A.K.W. said…
I know how that is but our cats don't try and get into our house anymore though since they've always really been outdoor/barn cats though but that is life on a farm though!

ana said…
I was going to post a comment similar to Megan's... give them time to adjust. They're both strangers in a strange land.
merlin said…
birds sound so much easier :)
Becky said…
I love reading your blog. It's so real and honest, yet you always leave me with a smile! I too have 2 cats. When we introduced the older female to the younger female I thought my life had changed forever!! They hissed and fussed continuously. We kept them separated for about a month, then slowly introduced them "again" to each other. Slowly they realized they must share their home... now they sleep side by side every night when we put them "to bed" in the laundry room. We even call them sisters. So, hang in there, it will get better and your life will resume as you have known it. Blessings : )
Becky said…
I love reading your blog. It's so real and honest, yet you always leave me with a smile! I too have 2 cats. When we introduced the older female to the younger female I thought my life had changed forever!! They hissed and fussed continuously. We kept them separated for about a month, then slowly introduced them "again" to each other. Slowly they realized they must share their home... now they sleep side by side every night when we put them "to bed" in the laundry room. We even call them sisters. So, hang in there, it will get better and your life will resume as you have known it. Blessings : )
Nancy said…
You need a massage. :) If only I lived in Arkansas!
I can't believe it! This cat could have its own reality show! HA!
Ak said…
Please do not declaw your cat. The procedure is horrible, painful, and will cause other problems like marking around the house. I work for the Humane Society and I will definitely say declawing is not humane.
Ak said…
Also your post was so funny.
Kim said…
OH Laurie this is terrible and hilarious all at the same time! I hope things are a little better!
Alyssa said…
Oh, boy! I laughed out loud at that one! Sorry! I also have two cats and some days are better than others. When we had our cat spayed, she didn't have to wear a collar and didn't have any restrictions. Our daughter had just started crawling at that point, so we only made sure to keep her away from the cat! But her incision did split open once the stitches came out (don't even try to visualize that one). If this would happen to Graycee from going crazy, just put her inside a tube sock with the toe cut off until you get to the vet. Easier said than done.

I hope things get better!
Unknown said…
And this is why my child has fish for a pet, lol! I have friends and family who are animal lovers, however, we are not those kind of people. We enjoy playing with other pets from afar at times, but that's as far as it goes. I hope this doesn't make me sound like a cruel person, I would just rather admire animals from far away.

I also LOVE reading your stories about Kristen, they always make me laugh! You have certainly been gifted with some serious patience, that poor cat would have drove me crazy by now! I don't think I could live with a bi-polar cat in my house for even a day, much less permanently, you're a trooper! Please keep us updated on the Kristen vs. Grace ordeal ;)
Pam said…
I just wilted. so funny. Love your blog. Hope all has settled down by now.
I have stress from reading this post and looking at those cats.
Lexy said…
Just give the cats a little tiimeto adjust to each other, it will be fine I promise. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I BEG OF YOU DO NOT DECLAW the cat. It is so very cruel and if the cat was to ever get outside she would be defenseless. also it causes problems with litter box use and she WILL pee eleswhere. I have 5 cats and they are all indoor and not one is declawed and they have not clawed a single piece of furniture or any of my Family. Claws can be clipped. declawing is so very very painful and cruel.

Hang in there....soon they will be best friends.
Rhonda said…
I couldn't stop laughing. That post was hilarious. I enjoy reading your blog and your honesty.

Rhonda said…
I couldn't stop laughing. That post was hilarious. I enjoy reading your blog and your honesty.


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