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Welcome Spring!

I decided last week that GREEN is my favorite color. I LOVE seeing all of the beautiful green leaves on the trees. It adds so much beauty. I was more than ready for this past winter to end. I could probably get several amens on that! I enjoyed a day outside with the girls on Saturday. We got some flowers and planted them in our planters.
I thought getting a car for Emily this past birthday would be fun and easy for her drive. ha! We took it out through the neighborhood a couple of months ago and she was crying and I was yelling. She does not know how to steer. We were both beyond frustration. I ended up pushing the car home that day. She is doing a little better now and I know that will continue.
Emily went in and put on these boots to plant the flowers. Good idea Emily!
This is Sarah Kate's trademark.........a baby under one arm. She was fussing here because I took her cissy out for the picture.

Emily is hearing so much better. The running bath water is VERY loud to her and so is getting ice out of the fridge door.


Holly said…
Hehe I love that little car! It's so cute!

Glad Emily's hearing has improved! It's funny how sometimes you don't realise how much you're missing out on until it you have it back again! :)
Courtney said…
The girls look adorable in their spring dresses. So glad to hear that Emily's hearing has improved. Enjoy the spring weather!
Mallory said…
Love the Jeep! I thought the picture of her driving SK was adorable. Glad her hearing is improving too! And SK and her doll....well, that's a doll in itself! TOOO cute!
Kelly said…
I love their matching dresses!
Tara G. said…
The dresses are darling and I'm totally with you on green! I surprised myself by using a lot of it in my house.
Those dresses are darling! Bring those girls here to the "country" on our farm--we'll have her steering that car perfectly in no time! Ha! My boys drive theirs through spaces that I would never even attempt!! Glad her hearing is better! I nearly cried when mine said he could hear the birds chirping outside his window.......
Angie said…
we had that jeep, but it was on its last leg last yr. she drove it out! btw, brooklynn has that it.
The Ormons said…
I am so glad Emily is doing good now. I can't believe she couldn't hear that well. I am sure she is hearing things she has never heard. Bless her heart. Glad she is enjoying her car more.. I love that SK will get in with her. Such sweet girls... give them a hug and kiss for us. Kay gave me the girls picture from the photo shoot you did at Thanksgivng it looks so good in a frame. Glad I have a good picture of the girls now. Love yall
Lauren said…
Your kids are beyond CUTE!!!!! :)
Run26.2Mom said…
Adorable!! Do you find yourself fast forwarding 10 or so years when they will be driving a real car. Oh My! Don't go there, I can't either :)
Beautiful family!
Anonymous said…
I could only imagine what it would be like to take that car around the neighborhood. My son has the little 4 wheeler and the battery went dead, my husband wants to replace the battery but I am nervous that this year he will KNOW how to steer! HA
Kristen said…
Oh! You should've seen Greg after he got tubes - CostCo was the worst, he was in tears over how loud it was (I had never even noticed!)We had to drop out of The Little Gym for the same reason. About 4-6 months later he seemed acclimated to the sounds. Everything is a whole new world of sound!

Their dresses are darling by the way!
Madison Sanders said…
I remember the Barbie car I had as a kid. So much fun!
Rebekah said…
How cute are the girls and their matching outfits!
Laura said…
They are so cute! I love their matching outfits!!!! I love spring as well. It is such an amazing reminder that there is life after death(winter)
123 said…
Love the dresses!! My girls drove their jeep until it wouldn't go anymore, so I know your girls are going to love it for a few years to come!!!

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