When I was newly pregnant with Sarah Kate and extremely sick, I signed up to take a meal to a sweet couple that had a new baby boy. I decided on spaghetti and meat sauce. I usually buy Kraft seasoning for the meat sauce or some other seasoning envelope. As I made the meal that late afternoon, I was talking to my mother on the phone, keeping Emily occupied and feeling very nauseated. Too much to handle while cooking, especially for someone other than my family. Because I was rushed and nauseated, I did not taste the food.
I took the spaghetti and meat sauce to their house along with salad, bread and dessert. Marched in proudly, unloaded the food. stared at the cute baby and drove home...........
The next morning, I discovered the seasoning pack, leaning against a canister by the cook top. I FORGOT to add the seasoning. Soooooo....I had taken them noodles covered in plain hamburger meat and a can of tomato paste. Think about how that tasted! Bless their dear souls, bless mine. Chaw city!
I frantically called my friend to apologize.
Fast forward two weeks later. I am still sick, still signing up for meals. I made a HUGE pot of chicken enchilada soup and all the trimmings and took it to another family that had a beautiful baby girl. The soup was good, I tasted it! I took it in their house and put it too close to the edge of the counter top. YEP, it got knocked off and the soup was all over their kitchen, literally all over the place. We were all chawed. What do you do?
Well, I knew what I was to do: take a break from the meal ministry. I did for over a year. I am back at it. I am certain there have been cooking mishaps for these families too. But they are all too nice to tell me. I always wonder if there is a cat hair in the food, or my sheding hair. Or, have I left out anything, added too much of something?
All this to say: I am cooking for three families in the next few days. Yes, be in prayer for them and me. I try to use extreme caution.
My parents followed me to Texas from Los Angeles...my Mom was visiting CA family and my Dad was alone and doesn't cook) So I bragged on how I make a great roast like Mom's and invited him over.
Well, my roast was HORRIBLE. I bought a different cut of meat and let it cook in the crockpot for 5 hours (instead of the normal 7 I give it) and it was SO DRY and tasteless. Like dog meat! HA HA- so my Dad ate every bite while I complained how horrible it was and how it's normally not like this...he kept telling me it was good. Poor guy...he hasn't been back here for dinner since. HA
Quick follow up on your singleness posts, as a single lady (never married, 40+)...is there a specific prayer you prayed? I am struggling with my faith and prayer and would love to have some hints to get me back on track.
Thanks for your entertaining posts! Hope your cooking goes well.
I have the recipe posted on my recipe blog (on my sidebar) It really is yummy. Just don't double the salt!
P.S. - I love the mustard colored walls in your house. What is the color??
And by the way, this ministry toatlly blessed us when Kinley was born so I always try to help when I can and the there's probably more meals to come that I will wreck, but the thought is what counts most, right?!
And just so you know, the meal you brought to us was AWESOME! And I truly mean that!
I have to admit- I am a lurker. =) I always read about your goings-on, and think your girls are so cute!!
It cracks me up just to read the word "chawed". I have never heard that before - and it is sooooo funny! So when you put "chaw city" I could not stop giggling!
I made a casserole and a yummy (well, should have been yummy) scalloped potato dish for my friend Mary Katherine when she had Trent. I thought I'd provided a nice meal. Then the next morning I opened the microwave and saw a whole stick of butter inside. Couldn't think what on earth that was doing there...then I realized it was supposed to go in the potato dish I took to MK!!!! Oh my--I'm sure that was a very bland dish of potatoes! I called MK to apologize!