A couple of days before school started I took the girls to "Meet the Teacher" night. The girls were excited to meet the teachers and see friends. Emily is in 3rd grade this year and her teacher gave her some Jitter Glitter and a poem to take home and use before the first day of school. We all loved the idea and thought it was so cute. Emily believed 100% that this would take her nerves away and help her go right to sleep. She does not sleep worth a flip anyway. I played right along and built up how wonderful it was.
The night before school, we did our bedtime routine and the girls were in bed by 7:30. I was so proud and happy when I left their bedroom because I thought they were asleep. Emily remarked while I was reading to them that she could feel the glitter making her very sleepy. She suggested we use it every night.
Fast forward about 30 minutes. Who comes out of her room? Emily. She is fretful saying the Jitter Glitter is not working. She thought she needed a litte more under her pillow and so I sprinkled a bit more. She just knew that was the answer.
8:30 still awake
8:45 we hear screaming because a fleck of glitter had gotten in her eye.
9:00 still up, angry, offended that hers did not work.
To make matters worse, Sarah Kate had gotten the same thing from her teacher, but it was confetti. SK was sound asleep.
9:30-STILL awake, tears, red face, glitter stuck all over side of her face. Glitter in hair.
Sometime after 9:45 she finally went to sleep.
Her first day of school marked by glitter in her hair.
I guess every 3rd grade mom spent their child's first day of school washing sheets and vacuuming.
I am finding glitter in our car......
glitter in our carpet.........
glitter in her backpack............
glitter in the bathtub......
glitter in the cat's fur.............
Here's to the Jitter Glitter- WE DON'T LIKE YOU!
Annapolis, MD