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If Its Not OneThing,........ Its Another!

Thank you again for praying for my finger this week and praying for my family too. My finger is MUCH better. It is not sore and it is not numb anymore. It still gets a little red and swollen as the day goes on. It always looks good in the morning. I am back on the Bactrim.

We got called out of church this morning because Sarah Kate was sick. She has a terrible runny nose and cough. I am taking her to the Dr. tomorrow.

Here is the kicker to top off all that has happened......... I washed that new cell phone in my jeans this afternoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cried. I just broke down and had a pity party. The phone is DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SK in the shirt my cousin sent her for Halloween.
Emily as Marie the cat. This is NOT the costume we had bought her for Halloween this year. I had gotten her a horse that she would ride as a princess. Her legs went in the horses back legs and then she was to hold the front of the horse up with the reigns. This costume was a splurge buy and it sat on the floor last night as Emily wore her 24 month cat costume that she wore two years ago. WHO KNOWS????????????????? She just refused to wear the horse.

Notice what Kristen is doing in the background. Emily was imitating her. Should I be worried about this?
Friday night Emily danced for us in the living room. This is what she put on. She thought she looked "Feautiful."
SK as Dorothy. Her temperament and my finger would not allow the cute little pig tails and bows that came with the dress.

Emily said that the best part of her day was passing out candy. She loved it and did a great job. When we ran out she just said she would give out the candy she had gotten. Bless her heart.


Laurie, I am so glad your finger is getting better...I have been praying for you. I can TOTALLY relate about it being one thing or another...seems the same thing is happening in our house!
Lynn said…
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Lynn said…
So glad to hear your finger is better. I came over to visit from Kelly's. My kids favorite part of Halloween was always passing out candy and seeing the bigger kids. A quick tip for your phone. P\Take it apart and put it into a bag of rice (any kind) for a couple of days. This has worked for me on a couple of phones and my daughters Ipod after going through the washer. Its worth a shot.
kate said…
I just put a little (nothing) something in the mail...bless your heart for all that is going on. A good cry was needed dear one! I've been praying and praying for you...thank God you are better.

Little House on the Praire is coming as a musical to OKC....I thought of you. I'm so should look up if it'll be in Tulsa...a bit closer to you.

Hugs dear one!
If you would like to have a pity party together, come on over. I am in such a funk right now. My mood has got to get better.

The girls looked so cute for Halloween!
KK said…
Glad you are better. So sorry about your phone!
Ashley said…
I think I would BREAK DOWN if I washed my cell phone.

Isn't that so spend money on something and it sits on the floor? least you have a little sweetheart who wants to give away her candy! Too cute :)
Lauren said…
Awww, poor thing. They look so cute in their costumes!!!! )
Tracy said…
Sorry about your phone! I have washed and lost my phone several times and had to get new ones. The girls looked adorable in their costumes. Emily has told me that last two Sunday's at choir that she was going to be a cat. I hope SK is feeling better. SG is home from school today still sick.
Stacey said…
I found your blog through Kelly's blog. I am so glad to hear your finger is doing better. PTL!

I have washed a cell phone myself so I can feel your pain. I have heard to put a cell phone that has got wet into a zip lock bag with rice in it and let it sit for a few days. They say the rice will pull the moisture out of the cell phone. I have never tried it so I don't know if it will work or not but it may be worth a try.

Your kids costumes are cute!
Annsterw said…
Glad to hear the fingers better!!! Maybe she will "feel " like wearing the princess horse next year - she made an adorable cat!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
The girls look precious! So glad to hear your feeling better. What a blessing! I will continue to pray your finger heals. I hope you had a happy halloween!
I bought that same costume for my very much horse lover daughter and she refuses to wear it too. I bought it 2 years ago and she still loves horses and she still won't put that costume on, not even to play in. I can't figure out what it is about it she doesn't like.
Kelley said…
They both look precious in their costumes. I am so glad your finger is better. So sorry SK isn't feeling well. I have washed a cell phone before. I was just sick over it. I know how you feel.
aimeesangels said…
I don't know if this will work but it is worth a try! I soaked my IPod a few weeks ago and a friend suggested I leave it sealed in a plastic bag filled with rice. The rice draws out all the water. After a week, I pulled it out and it was good as new! Good luck!!
Triple J's Girl said…
I am so happy that your finger is getting better. The girls looked precious as always. SK and my Marlie still look alike! LOL I keep waiting for one of them to change, but so far they look the same, at least to me. Anyway, this has nothing to do with your post, but you didnt have an email address listed so I will send you the info through here. I live in the OKC area and saw last night that the Little House on the Prairie musical is coming to the Civic Center. I'm not sure of the dates, but how strange is it that I immediately thought of you and how much you love it! HA! So you might search the Civic Center website, or I can let you know if I see the commercial again with details. It wouldn't be too far of a drive for you and Steve to take a night away from the girls! (Hey I'm trying to help ya get a date night!) LOL I'll send you my email if you want to email me I can get you the details. If not, like I said, just google it or something. Im pretty sure it's in November.

Guy and Julie said…
1. So sorry SK ended up being sick--she really was acting like herself at church, wasn't she??

2. She wore her cat costume again?? That's hilarious. I bet the pony/princess costume was adorable. Maybe she'll wear that one next year!

3. I can't believe you washed your phone--oh know. That sounds like something I would do, too. That just goes to show, you should have just stuck with the phone you loved all along! :)
Mary Avery said…
I am SO glad to hear that your finger is healing! How wonderful! I LOVE SK's Dorothy outfit. They are just too cute together! Hopefully things are on the mend around your house

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