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All Dressed Up

Kelly has really inspired me with her cute hats and flowers. I got this hat for SK this week and it lasted on her head for one second. It was a game for her to see how fast she could pull it off and laugh. is now for big sister. I put it on Emily and she said,"MOOOOMMMMM, this hat is soooo silly." This a swimmer's hat, Mom?" Then it started growing on her and she went to the mirror over and over. It made her do a little dance.
I got this baby girl a flower head band. It lasted 3 seconds for this one picture! She is 9 months old today.

Here is Emily in my ballerina dress that I had for a play when I was three years old. Emily loves wearing it. Those shoes are about two sizes too small, but she doesn't care.
E went to a Princess birthday party for her friend Summer this morning. It was a wonderful party! Here are a few pics of the little darlings.
Emily with Summer.
I had the neat opportunity to meet a blogger friend, Kate, with Kelly today. We also got to meet Kate's Mom and friend. It was so fun! I love people that are entertaining and funny. Those words would describe Kate.


Kelly said…
I LOVE the hats and flower bands!!!!!!!
But mostly I just love those girls. Emily is adorable in these pictures and I loved seeing SK in the flesh today!!! She had gotten 100 times prettier since the last time I saw her.
I can't say enough how much I miss your girls. It makes my heart hurt not to see them and kiss them. SOON! VERY SOON!
Hillary said…
E and SK look soooo cute in their hats! And E's pink shoes!!! LOVE THEM!!! Can't wait to see you next week!
Jenna said…
Oh my word - just when I thought your girls could not get any cuter!! LOVE the hats and headbands on their sweet little heads. They are both just gorgeous - I know ya'll have a balll with them!
Alyssa said…
Wow, I've been reading your blog for a little while and I never realized how much Sarah Kate looks like her daddy until that picture of the three of them on the couch!
Leigh Ann said…
Loving that hat and headband. The girls look SO cute in them! I am SO remembering that princess idea for EG's birthday. Coming in princess fun!
Erin said…
I LOVE IT! The hats and headbands are so adorable on both girls! Kinley has now learned how to rip her headband off too. How fun the princess party looked! Makes me reminisce about playing dress up and look forward to seeing K dress up.
Anonymous said…
How cute!!! My babay is 8 now and the bows are sooooo baby she says. Oh my breaking heart. So enjoy those sweet lil hats and bows...before you know it they will be too big, sigh~
The Garners said…
So sweet--her in your ballerina dress!!!
Lauren said…
Oh my!!! How much cuter can your girls get Laurie??? They are soooooo precious!!!! Happy Monday!!! :o)
My daughter won't keep a headband, bow, or hat on either! I've been trying for ten months (she's now 14months old). I was sooo sure I could do those fun, girly things after having two boys. Oh well! At least it's cheaper now because I've stopped even buying anything for her head! I still want to do a playdate, but we had rotovirus at our house, so I didn't get back to you to set up a date. Maybe the week after spring break, once my school age child is back in school? I'll call you.
His Doorkeeper said…
Laurie, Your girls are so sweet and at such a cute age. What a fun birthday party with all those little girls dressed up...hope all you Moms got lots of pictures!
They are priceless!
Kim said…
Aww...the girls look so cute in their hats!!
Amanda Ledford said…
LOVING the hat and headband! Emily is too cute in that hat and I LOVE the pic of SK on the floor in the headband! Does Harper know she has competition for most stylish baby? Haha!
Julie said…
I have seen so many pretty little girls in their princess costumes!! I love the dress up!!
Hi Laurie! I just have to ask you...did you go to Ouachita anytime from 1990-1992? You look so familiar to me! I was Kim McCarty then. I saw your picture on Kellys Korner (several of my friends have told me about her blog & I'm new at this). I hope you don't think I'm a crazy loon but I just wondered. :) Kim
Cassie said…
Hi! I found you on Kelly’s Korner. Your family is precious! I just wanted to let you know about my blog giveaway to benefit baby Stellan and his family. It’s a 10 piece Paula Deen cookware set! Check out my blog for all the details!

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