Three years ago today!

Today is Sarah Kate's 3rd birthday!!!!! I does not seem right that she is that old! I don't have a baby anymore.
She is such a funny little girl. She is so friendly and has a good time where ever she is.

The theme of her party was Cinderella. She calls her Cinarelala.

Meme, Kay-K and the birthday girl on Sunday before her party started.

Emily with Ella Kate

Harper, Ella Kate, Neely and Sarah Kate

John Michael, Parker, Wells (her boy),Matthew, Emily, Harper and Ella kate

Wells, Matthew, Emily and harper

The party went well and SK loved every second of it. She loves for her friends to come to her house.
Happy Birthday Sarah Kate! You are sooo LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laurie - I know this is random, but I was looking at recipes and saw this one. I remembered how much you love nutella and these sound yummy!